Privacy Policy


    We do not store any personal data except for what we receive from the oAuth app you use to sign in

    We do not share the your personal data and data generated by your application (errors and it's related data) with any other companies for advertising or anything related.

    you can request deleting your account and every single data related to your account will be erased completely from our servers

    About us is online frontend error tracking tool.

    Our service enables our user to track the error from their application/website

    Information We Collect

    There information we collect can be broadly falls under these categories

    • User basic info: provide by the oAuth service, like email, name, profile pic, and it's related data.
    • Payment Information: we DO NOT store or collect your payment card details, we use third party payment service(payment gateway),Information we receive from the Payment Gateway related to Shopping Cart, Receipts etc. Note: We do not receive nor we ask for any Debit/Credit card details from our users.
    Third part service we use

    We use bunch of third party service to host our service and application, so their own terms and privacy may or may not be applicable for you

    : to host our application and we do use their & service to monitor our application and server which are GDPR compliance

    : as database to store data which is build on ClickHouse

    : for redis database and their kafka service